Bruxism patients


Bruxism is the involuntary habit of clenching, gnashing or grinding of teeth. The teeth are not meant to be clenched and in contact all the time, they should only briefly touch each other when swallowing or chewing. If they are in contact too often, it can wear down the tooth enamel, causing dental problems and can lead to jaw or facial muscle pain and headaches.

Bruxism can occur during sleep with most sufferers being unaware that it is happening, but it can also occur through the day with tension through the jaw.

Causes of Bruxism

Bruxism is believed to be caused by a combination of factors, both physical and psychological. Physical stresses include illness, nutritional deficiencies or dehydration, and psychological stresses such as anxiety and tension.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of bruxism may include:

  • Grinding sounds that can be heard while the person is asleep
  • Headache, jaw or ear pain
  • Aching teeth, particularly after waking
  • Aching or stiffness of the face and temples
  • Aching or stiffness of the jaw while eating, particularly in the morning
  • Clenching of the jaw when angry, exercising, anxious or concentrating
  • Teeth become temperature-sensitive cracked or chipped tooth enamel
  • Tooth indentations on the tongue
  • Raised tissue on the inside of the cheek caused by biting
  • Loose teeth
  • Flattening or wearing of the teeth

If you think you are suffering from Bruxism…

We are here to help!  Call us on 1300-BRUXISM or 1300 2789476 and we can advise you on possible treatment options and we can direct you to our specialists who can help.  Alternatively, email